Linn Movie Classik vs Linn Move Classic Di

Has anyone heard a comparison of the two? On red book cd's is there a difference to justify to 1,000 difference? And is the Classik better than Denon's, Arcam, Rotel receivers? Thanks
Are you crazy or being factitious? LOL

I have never heard the equipment because it is so new ,but rest assured I’d buy the Linn products before I bought the equipment from the mentioned names if cost was no object.

Weather you need Linn or other similar priced gear is the question.There are a number of other notables to consider when getting into that price class and what speakers will you be using?

Linns reputation precedes it in audio I think. I like the slimline designs now and want to get away from bulky big cabinets and alot of heat.

Good luck!
Thanks for the input Penny. I can get a hold of a Movie Classik for 1600 from an authorized dealer. This puts me in the price range of Denon DV2900 and Denon 3803, or an Arcam AVR 200 or Rotel receiver. I am using Dynaudio 52 SE speakers. My primary interest is stereo music quality, with HT secondary. Therefore the reason I wrote this thread was:

1) Would you buy the discontinued Classik for $1600, or pay the extra 2400 for the Classik DI (is the difference worth the price?

2) Is the "older" Classik, for $1600, comparable to the newer Denon stuff, or the well established Arcam.

3) For $1600 what components would you buy for 2 stereo and HT as a plus.

I'd buy Linn over anything the japanese can create I think. I did just buy a Panasonic SA-XR45 Digital Receiver that is getting raves from alll quarters at the moment and if you want to see what you can do with $300 then try one. You might just save a ton of $$ and be greatly rewarded.

If it were me I would get the Linn products followed by the Panasonic.

Please do not laugh at the thought of a $300 receiver being so good. It has been compared to megabuck stuff and held it's own.I know it bettered a Rotel and did good against a $4K Tube Amp to mention a few.

Get the Panny if you have a Digital Based system.I sold off $2000 worth of equipment I cannot use because it is that good,for now.


Larry, is the Panasonic good for HT as well? From what I've read, you need to re-program the unit flat to get good 2 channel sound. Is it a hassle to change it back and forth between 2c and HT?