Looking for an outstanding DAC

I own a CHORD DAC64 connected to an Audiomecca MEPHISTO II-X transport. But I feel I could get more out of my transport. Looking for a 2nd hand DAC (Therefore EMM DCC2 is out for now). I also don't like tube electronics. I am hesitating between a DCS Purcell+ELGAR combo or a Weiss Medea DAC. Any recommandations? Thanks!
If you really enjoy listening to music and not all that audiophile BS, then you may want to audition a Muse Model Ten tranny with their Model 192 DAC or their new Model Eleven player.
How about Audiomeca's own Enkianthus DAC.. I have heard great things about it. Pricy, but used is always nice for price.
This one is very new to the market, but I am doing a demo in my home system, its from April Music, its the Stello DA220....this DAC is absolutely incredible. All the features necessary in a great dac, unbelievible sound stage (width & depth) Clean, accurate, fast, and tight.....of course this is all subjective and only you can decide if you like its sound. It fits nicely into my system, which is all solid state from Classe 2x 101 amps, a 47.5 changer, Sonus Faber Grand P's and all custom built cables. I am using their cd transport, and comparing it against multiple cd players that I own w/ Digital outs. All players sound great through the DAC, and their transport is killer. Check out aprilmusic.com