Looking for an outstanding DAC

I own a CHORD DAC64 connected to an Audiomecca MEPHISTO II-X transport. But I feel I could get more out of my transport. Looking for a 2nd hand DAC (Therefore EMM DCC2 is out for now). I also don't like tube electronics. I am hesitating between a DCS Purcell+ELGAR combo or a Weiss Medea DAC. Any recommandations? Thanks!
Personally I wouldn't spend that much for a cd-player,I seen the player in a picture ad and wasn't impressed either.
But it might be a killer unit in terms of sound,again I don't know. I am happy with my Krell .For 17000 grand I could check some speakers though.
The price of the Reimyo DAC has been reduced to $4500 US. I bought a demo for $3100 and used they run about $2400. It is close but not exactly the same processer as the CD player. The CD player is $17000. The build quality is exceptional. I think this is the finest DAC I have ever heard if you are looking for that detailed analog sound that seams impossible from digital recordings. I am just in love with this product so I highly recommend it. You will notice an improvement with the first note you hear.
Zanden,Weiss and EMM would be on my short list. All depends on the flavor you're seeking.

Heard the Reimyo at a friend's and it's very good also.

Best of Luck.