Theta Delta Basic II Transport Opinions.

I am Seriously looking at the Theta for use with the Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista 21 DAC your thoughts please.
That would be Theta "Data", not "Delta", which is a CAL model name. I haven't heard one in too long to comment directly, but I do own a Theta Pearl transport and it's definitely better for driving an external DAC than any of the mid-fi players I've tried as transports.
Can't comment on how it will interact with the Tri-Vista but the TBDII transport is an excellent unit for the money. Good bass, not too forward, throws a wide soundstage and overall performance is excellent, especially with Theta DAC's. Had a few transports, sold or traded them all - but still I keep the Theta Data Basic II on hand. One thing... these units are prone to mechanical glitches, i.e. drawer function and laser alignment (it's what I hear and have experienced). If the whole transport mechanism fails, it could be a problem since these mechanisms (Philips) are no longer in production. But for around $500.00 used, it's still, IMO, a good bargain if you can get more than a few years out a used one.
I just purchased the Tri-Vista 21 this afternoon, and I'm using the original Theta Data Basic to drive it. It sounds fantastic! I've had the Theta for eight years and have never considered replacing it.
I also run the Tri-Vista DAC. I thought it sounded great with the Arcam FMJ 23 used as a transport. Then I tried out a nice used Theta Data Basic, the first model I believe, and was quite surprised at the improvement. Considerably more airspace around all voices and instruments, and greatly enriched bass, but with nice detail. By this time, I'd committed too much to new amp and speakers to take advantage of a real bargain.
Unless it quits the next day, hard to see how you can go wrong at prices around $500 USd.
I've used the Basic II transport for 10 years and still use it in my big rig. Upgraded through Theta from Basic to Basic II. I've used it with a MF A324 with great results and compared it with two DVD players (used as a transport) and the Theta always one, hands down. I'm on my 4th DAC. It's a keeper for me. I sometimes consider buying a backup. For the current used price I think it's steal. My greatest hifi gear sound improvement, strangely enough, was when I bought my original Basic Trasport. I was between speakers and bought a pair of PSB 200's to tied me over. I was using a Theta Cobalt DAC and NAD 5000 cdp as transport. This was a decade ago. I couldn't resist the Basic when it came out and my dealer let me take it home for audition. I didn't expect to hear much differece because of my cheap speakers. I was way wrong- the largest and best sound improvement I have ever heard was replacing the NAD as my transport. Still rings music in my memory. I've tried one other Theta transport since then when my Basic was being upgraded, but it wasn't as good. I've found that the Theta Basic II sounds best with a silver/teflon cable. Balanced output is best but either works great with a silver/teflon interconnect. I've tried many digital cables and Kimber AGDL or Illiminati have always won with the Basic II. Good Luck.