Hours sitting around just listening to music?

This is just a perception, but the folks I have met online who are audio/video enthusiasts (I think audiophile is such a pretentious term!) seem to spend more time buying and selling, posting on boards, reading reviews about what others think, and I never read anything about folks sitting in their "sweetspot" for hours listening to their favorite toons. Oh, I know folks who listen while they are lifting weights, reading, or doing something else. Seems to me if you are moving around or not concentrating, there is a whole lot of money being spent on pride alone.
After 52 blissfully child-free years I suddenly fell heir to a new girlfriend with three teenage daughters. Not much cuts into listening time like that, especially when the big rig shares a room with "their" TV :-/

My kvetching is pretty "pro forma" though. They don't watch that much TV, and everyone indulges the old guy in his eccentric little passion. I average an hour a day in the sweet spot, and a couple of hours or more per day on the weekends. Call it six to ten hours a week.

Then we have a really nice system in the living room. When it's not playing CBC 1 FM it gives us magical walking-around music. Nobody's hard done by for tunes in this house.