What is the best DVD/CD player under $1000?

I have been deciding between the Denon 2900, Marantz 8400, and the Pioneer Elite 47AI. After all the discounts it seems as if I can get either one of them for about $500-$700. Or should I wait and get one with a DVI interface as my new Samsung DLP HDTV will have one. I would really appreciate any feed back as you guys have quite a bit of knowledge and seem to be ready to share.

The rest of my system consists of:

Mcintosh MX132 Pre/pro
Mcintosh MC7205
Vienna Acoustics Beethoven (fronts)
Vienna Acoustics (Maestro) (center)
Vienna Acoustics (Waltz) (rear surrounds)
Velodyne HGS12 II (sub)



I know the Pioneer 47AI is better than the 47 which proceeded it, I compared the Pioneer 47 and my Sony DVPS 9000 ES which is much better overall so I bought the Sony. You may want to include the Sony on your list.
A Muse Model 9 would be a good choice used. They are jus over a thousand on average. Outstanding t redbook CD playback. Built like a tank. Muse also has a pretty good upgrade policy if you eventually want to step up. I just sold mine, but there are a few others currently available on A'gon last time I checked. Just another option.

The Denon 2900 has been getting bad reviews in the Absolute Sound and The Perfect Vision but I have not heard it myself.