What's the most anolog sounding CDP

Looking for an outstanding 1996-2000 circa redbook CDP (Or trans Dac combo).

I'm looking for a great value.

Do any of yall' have a suggestion?

I'm running Cary Audio Design 300se Sig Monos, and Cary pre (all class A operation).

I've been very happy with both my Naim CD5 and the Muse players I've owned. The Naim is playing through my Cary SLP50/Quicksilver 300B SET combo and sounds quite wonderful there. I have an older Muse Model 5 / Model 2+ running my push/pull system at home and have always loved that combo. The Model 9 I had also was very satisfying in all respects and added DVD playback. Any of these players would be a great buy IMO at today's used prices. Muse has a reasonable upgrade program should you wish to step up in the future.

I second the Ikemi. Much smoother than anything I've heard at its price point. A great value for around 2k on the used market.
I know I am an auth dealer for RA, but get the Resolution Audio Opus 21, it bested Accuphase DP65v and DP75v (among many others). The Accuphase gear is actually one of the more clinical, sterile sounding players out there, to my ears.