Are You Happy With 2 Channel SACD?

Fellow Audio Lovers,
For those of you who own SACD equipment "specifically, two channel" machines do you wish you had purchased a multichannel unit instead.? I am looking at purchasing possibly a Marantz SA12... however I have recieved comments from "friends" that, I should buy a multi channel unit because they say 2 channel SACD "is just plain blah... and I shouldn't bother with it unless I go the multi route.... any thoughts?
I actually purchased a multi-channel player (SONY SCD C555 ES) knowing that it would only be used in 2 channel mode. The dealer gave me a great price on the unit and the connections in the back support a 2 channel only mode. Quite frankly, I was never interested in multi-channel reproduction. I don't want to be surrounded ... it's too distracting ... I prefer the music in front of me.

Regards, Rich
I read in Sterophie that SOnNY has "hinted at stopping releases of multichannel SACDS. Many artists do not want their works remastered and remixed in multi sound--one comes to mind, RUSH! And I was praying that they would remix those classic recordings, but hopes are gone as the band memebrs agree that they will not partiicpate.
With my XA777ES, I listen in stereo mode 95% of the time. But it's fun to have the MC capability for the other 5%.
I have tried both 2 and multi channel sa-cd whith equal speakers and I am left whith surround speakers that are overkill for HT.

The only surround sa-cd sonics that were not gimicky sounding were DSOTM and Allison Krauss Live were the surrounds were used mainly for ambience.

Having said that, I never preffered any music in surround and listen to 99% of hi rez music in 2 channel.

I think multi channel surround hi rez appeals to people who were raised on DD/DTS and have never had a setup/speakers that create an accurate soundstage.....anyone who has will most likely not care for multi channel hi rez.

On a barely related note, I am looking to pick up a DVD/SACD player (Sony DSP-NS999ES), and I am wondering if two channel SACD is also going to necessitate analog interconnects, or if it can be processed by most pre/pro's.

Thanks, Tom.