Best Redbood CD Player Used/New under $7K

Any thoughts or experiences. My short list includes Wadia 860/861/21, Sony SCD-1 w/R Kern Full Mods, Metronome Reference Stack, Shanling T-200 Level 1 Plus,

Others I should consider?

I currently use JRDG Model 12's and Coherence II, Magnepan 20R's

Listen to jazz, vocals mostly. Thanks
Get yourself a Wadia 861 and have it modified by Steve Huntley of Great Northern Sound. You'll start out with a great unit that's built like a tank and reliable as any in the market today that not only sounds terrific in stock form, but you have the luxury of having someone out there who can really make it better over time.
I will also reccomend the Audio Aero Capitole Mk 2. I had the Wadia 860X, and I think the Capitole is far better especially in regards to naturalness. If you want to save a bundle of money and get a player that can compare to anything mentioned check out the Audio Aero Prima, at a list of 2200.00 it's a giant killer.
If you are into tubes, a Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1 should be considered. Priced well below your price point.
I have owned or auditioned Audio Aero Capitole, Wadia 861se,
Accuphase DP-75v and Audiomeca Mephisto 11.x and I have to say that Audiomeca to my ears is the most analog sounding CDP of them all. All are excellent players in your budget.
Good luck.
I owned a Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1 tube cd player and used it in my system for a couple of years. It is a very nice looking player and the interior layout is like a work of art. The SFCD-1 is HDCD compatible and it has been regarded by many as one of the best single box players available. I would still be content with it had I not auditioned the Granite Audio 657.
It was amazing to me how much better the 657 sounded and is probably the last cd player I will buy. Granite Audio says the music from CD through the 657 rivals SACD players. Although I have not done a direct comparison with SACD in my system, I hear no reason for me to doubt that claim.
Granite Audio 657