Anybody heard a LECTOR CDP-7t ?

This is the Italian tubed CD only player that Harry Pearson raved about in the most recent issue of The Absolute Sound.

I could almost buy one based on The Absolute Sound description alone, but I guess I better do a little more research and there is not a lot of info out there.

One internet retailer says the player was a big hit at CES 2004. Anybody know if the player lives up to TAS review and the hype?
I think you got a winner. Heck, if the thing is half as good as Harry Pearson says, you still got a winner. I don't believe I have ever read a more glowing, gushing review on an audio component.

Looking forward to your response. Can't wait. Maybe I can give my turntable a rest in the near future and reinvestigate those dusty old CDs.
I've heard there's a long wait for them and that no one is discounting them. That's what one rave from a prominent reviewer will do. I'm sure it's a very good machine, but probably not quite as good as Harry Pearson makes it out to be. Remember the original VPI JMW tonearm? Pearson gave it a rave review originally. Several issues later it was demoted to 2 stars. Many issues later Pearson described it's sound as muddy. A purchase based solely on a rave review can be a big mistake.
A purchase of especially a CD player- without listening first-is a big mistake. make sure you can get a full refund.
Hey Y'all,

I've had extensive listening time with both the CDP-5T and '7T and I can tell you, for my ears, they are quite good. I owned a Metronome CD2V Signature and compared it side by side with the '7T and it was no contest, the '7T was the winner. It had much smoother highs, very neutral and open mids and much more bass presence then the Metronome. I have not read the review but I recommend both the '5T and '7T very highly. To put it in perspective, I would say, from the high end CD players I've heard, which include Audio Aero Cap II, Audio Note trans and dac, not sure which models, Audio Mecca Mephisto, not sure what Mk, and the Metronome, the only player, from those I've mentioned, that is clearly better then the '7T is the AA Cap II. I feel the '7T either matches or betters any of the others. YMMV.........John
I went from a Sony XA-777ES and Electrocompaniet ECD-1 to the Lector 7T. The Lector is far superior to both units, particularly the Sony. HP was accurate in his views on this one. Both rags considered the Sony to be an "elite" level player, and the Lector just destroys the Sony in terms of musicality and three-dimensionality. This pertains to SACD as well as redbook on the Sony.