Anybody heard a LECTOR CDP-7t ?

This is the Italian tubed CD only player that Harry Pearson raved about in the most recent issue of The Absolute Sound.

I could almost buy one based on The Absolute Sound description alone, but I guess I better do a little more research and there is not a lot of info out there.

One internet retailer says the player was a big hit at CES 2004. Anybody know if the player lives up to TAS review and the hype?
I went from a Sony XA-777ES and Electrocompaniet ECD-1 to the Lector 7T. The Lector is far superior to both units, particularly the Sony. HP was accurate in his views on this one. Both rags considered the Sony to be an "elite" level player, and the Lector just destroys the Sony in terms of musicality and three-dimensionality. This pertains to SACD as well as redbook on the Sony.
After doing some listening over the last two days I would have to say that the review in The Absolute Sound is consistent with what I have heard from this player. It is smooth, refined, and detailed with excellent bass. The player gets strings and horns right and the soundstage is very three dimensional. It is the best CD player I have owned to date. To my surprise, it is better than my current setup (a Camelot Round Table mk III and a modified Kora Hermes DAC). At the current price I do not think you can go wrong with the Lector. Is it as good as the mega dollar players currently out there? I can not answer that but my guess is that anything significantly better than the Lector is going to cost a lot more than $3300.
I heard the lector 5 at the HE in NYC. Very open sounding and three dimensional. Bass however sounded quite tubby and full. Highs and mids are incredibly detailed for cd playback. Very unusual to hear extended highs out of cd.
I have hear CDT-7 with some I believe Alon speaker. It sounded very muddy and dark, but it could be speakers fault.