Can Computers add noise to home electrical system

I just read something that some audiophiles feel home computers can add noise to your homes entire electrical system, despite having dedicated lines for Audio, and their may be some benefit from trying to isolate noise where your home computer is set up, with something along the lines of maybe quite lines, a noise hound , or an ultimate outlet. I am going to try this , but wonder if anyone ever experimented with this . Regards.
Yes, mine does too. The easiest way to check is to plug a radio in the same power line and listen to am AM channel while you operate your computer. In my case, statics go louder when I move my mouse. This noise is gone after I turned off the computer. I tried installing both a surge suppressor and a line conditioner, they didn't work.
Actually the thought never occurred to me until I read this E mail from PS Audio. In my house the computer gets non stop action between myself , my wife, and my kids , so shutting it down everytime I want to listen to music will not fly, although certainly for demo purposes its a good thought. Plus my high speed internet comes via Cable so it does have a direct coax tie into my A/V system. I wanted to try it now, but my wife has the washing machine going. Guess advancement in audiophile science will have to wait.
In my home theater system the worst component is the dish network
PVR receiver with a hard drive. There is no on and off switch to turn the power completely off.If one pulls the plug reloading takes up to 4 minutes.It is kept on a different circuit.
The 24ooHzs new cordless phones and digital clocks, Flou lights and Halogen Lights. The list is endless.