What transport for my Birdland DAC?

I recently picked up a Birdland Odeon AG with the reclocker upgrade. I added this to my Nad C321i deck used as transport. Since I am commited to the source before upgrading my amp, I imagine I should look for a new trasport as well.
I have read a few past threads that deal with issues like power supplies and clock upgrades in the transport but over all, I haven't got a clue what to look for.
I need some reccomendations for a budget of say under a grand used.
My system is: Nad C321i as trans.;
Audio magic sorcerer digital cable;
Birdland Odeon AG w/upgrade;
Audio magic Excalibur IC;
Nad C370 used as main only;
GMA europas;
Thanks in advance. Scott
Abbeydog, my ideal set up is the Belles 150 amp into NAD CD player into Birdland into speakers.

Unfortunately, my NAD won't output PCM data when watching dvds, which makes it impossible to listen to dvds in this set up. So I've had to use my NAD T752 as a pre-amp, for now, changing the chain to NAD CD > BIRDLAND > NAD PRE > BELLES AMP > SPEAKERS

I plan to remedy this situation with my new Philips 963, which I *think* does output in PCM, so I'll be able to have a much purer signal chain.

I'm going to listen to the Philips for a while and then decide if I want to get it modded.

re:audiopoints. Let me know how the speaker points work out for you. I'm using BlueTac between the Europas and the Osiris stands for now. I"m also using sorbothane footers under the amp and the CDP, but I'm very interested in trying Black Diamond stuff, again, per Roy's recommendation.

Birdland DAC's are very good stock, but can approach world-class when modded.
Okay, thank you for the post but, this is at least the third time I have seen you post with a cryptic, "nothing can beat this whatever modded".
What gives man? Are you promoting your own mods or others?
Please come forward with the details, or give it up man. If you have constructive suggestions I for one would like to hear them. The point is, call it out, or stop wasting post space.