What transport for my Birdland DAC?

I recently picked up a Birdland Odeon AG with the reclocker upgrade. I added this to my Nad C321i deck used as transport. Since I am commited to the source before upgrading my amp, I imagine I should look for a new trasport as well.
I have read a few past threads that deal with issues like power supplies and clock upgrades in the transport but over all, I haven't got a clue what to look for.
I need some reccomendations for a budget of say under a grand used.
My system is: Nad C321i as trans.;
Audio magic sorcerer digital cable;
Birdland Odeon AG w/upgrade;
Audio magic Excalibur IC;
Nad C370 used as main only;
GMA europas;
Thanks in advance. Scott
I try not to duck in and out. I'm just really busy doing mods, so I cannot always follow-up.

Modders have the opportunity to compare lots of different DAC's and players, much more than the average person, so I just wanted to share that this is a great DAC stock and even better modded. However, because it has potted analog section, this cannot be improved and therefore will never compete with the best DAC's for HF extension and dynamics. It is a very good value and relatively cheap to mod compared to it's competition. Most of what is in the DAC design is executed very well.
Thanks for your input and link. I will just say I see a little clearer now and leave it at that.
Maybe I will take a shot at the Theta Jade after all. Can you tell me, is the company still servicing their older products? Just in case. Do you know how old the Jade is? Of course I will ask the owner too.
Thanks, Scott.
I recently called Theta and asked them about servicing my Data II and they said "no problem". They did warn me that it sounded like it needed a new laser and that costs 350 dollars. But it is reassuring to know that they will still gladly service a product that was introduced to the marketplace 12 years ago.
As for the Jade, I believe it was introduced in 2000, so the good news is that you will be buying, at most, a 4 year old player.
Good luck.


P.S. I noticed there are now 2 Jade's out there in the classifieds.
Thanks for the info. I just bought one of the Jades. Good to know the age as the seller thought maybe 5 years or so.
Sould be here in a week or less. Will let you know what I think.
Thanks, Scott.