Aaaugh Please recommend a DVD player

Feeling a bit overwhelmed.
Time to upgrade my year 2000 Panasonic DVD-RV31 and I know very little about DVD players. Now that I am looking, I feel even more lost with all the brands and models out now.
Why upgrade? The Panasonic is pretty weak when playing music. Hardly any bass and it has a very closed in sound.

This is what I am looking for…
Under 500.00 used
I would like for to include SACD
Not sure if this is standard still but I want both analog and digital connections.
75% music 25% Movies

Thanks in advance all you audiophile junkies
I have philips 963 purchased for 236.00$ from One call.The video is fine.The audio is O>K
I wish to get it modified.
Budget not more than 350 $. Who moadifies them?
Any easy to do mods with out soldering?(power cords damping etc.
thanks for any suggestions
It will take more than power cords and damping to make the 963SA sing. You might be able to get power-supply upgrades for $350, but it needs a lot more - new op-amps, power delivery improvements, coupling cap improvements, DAC filter improvements and on and on.....
Well to bring some closure to an old thread, I finally got the pulled the trigger on a DVPs9000es. The difference between this DVD player and my old Panosonic is like night and day. All of a sudden a bass region appeared in my sound system that was not there before and the details in the music are so much more prenounced. Luckily the first hybrid SACD I put in there worked no problem.
All in all I am glad I went the little extra step up in price and got a used higher end DVD player.