Best transport for redbook and HDCD?

I would like to get a better transport for my ECD-1 dac.
I use an original Rega Planet currently and do prefer top-loaders although it's not a neccessity. I have pondered the lowest priced belt-drives by CEC/Parasound but am not sure if the belt-drive will make an audible difference. I do not know of any other brands that have a belt-drive.
Some have suggested the EAD and CAL universal transports that play CD's and laserdisc's. Others perferred dedicated redbook transports like the McCormack SST-1.
I have even pondered DVD units such a the Sony DVP-7700 and the Toshiba SD-9200 with DVD-A and wonder how well they stack up against lower priced stand alones.
For any help, Thanks
Just watch!
"Audioengr" is going to burst into this thread & claim that the Sony DVP-S7700 *with* mods is *the* best. He's going to make this 1-liner & simply exit!
I'm surprised that he hasn't made his presence felt as yet!
The Muse Model 9 Signature (version 4) is both an excellent DVD player, AND a damn fine CD player to boot. You won't need your stinkin' DAC, but go ahead and use it if you like. Muse has an upgrade program as well. If you have the bucks you could go right for the Model 11. I have no experience with that unit to speak of, but the 9 is excellent in all respects.

I've heard a number of people rave about the Music Hall CD-25. Obviously, at $500 it is not trying to compete with the big boys, but I've heard only glowing praise so far.