Looking to better my redbook action....

Hi folks...
I'm going to have around $1500 to spend, and i'm looking to take redbook as far as I can go w/this AND not need a preamp. so, transport/DAC combo or CD player w/volume.
I like coming here to fish for ideas....

my first thoughts....
- benchmark dac-1 and transport in the $4-600 range
- shanling t-100 model

i'd go used, all the way.
no preamp in ether setup. the output here would run to a McCormack dna-1 > VR4

any comments, suggestions or concerns are greatly appreciated.
thanks for the suggestions
I've looked at the Cal Audio Delta transports...but have not checked out the DACs. They have to be quite impressive to best my thoughts of the benchmark.
Take a look at the Stello DA220 DAC also.
Go here to read the recent Stello DA220 Review by Doug Schneider at Soundstage.com

Where'd you buy the Opus 21 from? That's a great discount considering retail for this player is/or at least used to be $3500. Thanks Sam

Sorry if I confused you. The Opus 21 was used, albeit in great condition, (and fully updated as well). Yes the retail is still $3,500.