Gather around JoLida 100a owners

This is more just out of curiosity. I currently have as you might tell a JoLida with a level-2 mod from underwood. What I'm wondering is can an outboard dac be added and if so have any of you done so. The DAc that I'd consider would be the Prima D/A Converter 24/192 MKII. Do you guys think this would be an improvement.

Any and all suggestions are welcome.


PS: I think the only thing that may ent(ICE) me away from my Plinius is that I know that sometime down the road I must audition the new H20 ICE technology based amp.


Thanks for the response. Can you tell me a little about H20 ICE amps I did a google search and came up "cold".

Freaky....I'm not the best person to fill you in about these amps...I am not very techy....
do a search here in A'gon ...I know there has been some discussion....
FreakyGreek, I use the 2 channel feature often. Its performance in that area was the reason I chose it(SP1.7). Comparatively, its 2 channel performance is at or very near the top of the heap (when it comes to Processors anyway). The truth is, its good at 2 channel but, a good dedicated preamp can better it.

Plinius and B & W go together like cookies and milk. Most B & Ws arent a real difficult load on the amp anyway. So its easy to match an amp with your desired sonic signature. Plinius has a nice smooth top end, and a tube like mid range, with respectable grip on the bass. I am seriously considering this brand myself. I havent heard much Linn stuff so I cant comment here. It seems quite popular though and thats usually a good thing.

Paired with the right electronics B & Ws can really sing and the SIgs are just that much better at it. Theres a good chance your gonna like 'em.


I spent about 3 hours today listening to different speakers. I chose to listen B&W N804's,LINN ESPEK,and the PMC OB1. Source was a LINN UNIDISK2.1,amp LINN 2250 Pre-amp LINN Exotik. I'll first say that the B&W were the more forward sounding of the bunch with the PMC occupying the middle ground the the LINN's coming in third with a slightly more laid back sound.

The B&W really came alive at the higher levels but their sound reminded me of my Paradigms. My dealer made a comment that Paradigm bases there sound on B&W speakers. I thought that the B&W/LINN combo was great making me wonder how my Paradigms would sound. Next time I'll listen to mine(Studio 60's)paired with the LINN
and the Signatures 40 making sure I bring my CDP with me. At that time my dealer should have the B&W 805 Sig's as well.

This so confusing if it dosen't stop soon I'll have myself commited.
