Looking for DAC suggestions

Hi All,

I'd like to update the quality of my digital side. I want to use the digital output from my NAD 502 and run it to a DAC, but am not sure what a good match for my system would be.
Pre: Sonic Frontiers SFL-2
Amp: Bryston 3BST (I sometimes use up my old Sonic Frontiers SFS-80 (no bi-amping))
Speakers: B&W 805 Nautilus

Any suggestions for $2000-$2500?

DO a search on Agon this topic has been recently covered and in the past.

Happy Listening.
IMO you should spend a bit less on the dac itself, and buy a real transport instead of the NAD CD player you intend using. It would make a far bigger difference. Theta Data Basic II is an excelent "starter", you can pick up a mint example for 600$.
Start here http://www.ack-industries.com/

Take the free home trial and your not out if you don't like it. This little Dac gets great user opinions and the price is right.
