best DAC for PC server

I have recently started using a PC to serve my red book CDs to my music system and I love the convenience this system gives me.
What I hate is the sound quality - output of a RME9632 via glass optical to EAD8800pro DAC pre-pro. Its not bad, its just rather average and misses capturing the emotion that Ive heard through the best cdp's (Linn CD12 for eg).
I now want this convenience but with great sound quality of the CD12.
Would adding a Meitner or DCS (and so on) quality DAC on to my PC be worthwhile?
Can the Meitner take a coaxial input and how does it sound when not fed via the Meitner transport. I am aware I couldnt use SACD but this is a insignificant problem right now. I would have the ability to add a transport later if SACD became interesting to me.

thanks in adv,
Hi there,

I use an RME card as well. I'm using coax out. If you want to lower jitter, you should probably upgrade your card with a little daughter-card that RME sells that has a word clock out, and then get a DAC with a word clock in. (You can then run 2 cables between your RME card and your DAC -- one for normal SPDIF data as you have now, and the other for the clock signal) Then you can configure the RME card to be the master clock and the RME card will send a very high-quality clock to the DAC for it to use, so that the DAC doesn't have to get the clock signal the normal (jitter-prone) way, by decorrelating it from the digital data coming over the SPDIF link. The clock signal itself, when transmitted on its own cable, is very low bandwidth and does not incur any jitter of its own, so you basically eliminate transport jitter by using this approach.

Off the top of my head, I think the top-of-the-line Esoteric DAC has a word clock in, and I'd assume that most pro-oriented DACs as well as pro/home crossover DACs like some of the dCS and EmmLabs (ie. Meitner) models have them. You may want to check with RME for more details. I'm not a professional audio engineer so I'm just starting to figure it out myself, and looking forward to trying it here. :)


My 2 cents,

I like what Drobbins had to say. I haven't tried that approach. I do think however that the whole "jitter" discussion is a bit overblown. Jitter might have been an issue years ago, but I don't believe it's still as relevant today. Most DAC's over a grand can handle jitter with aplomb. I would assume that jitter would become very recognizable with vocals, since we all know how human voice is suppose to sound. Even the un-trained ear can pick up anomalies. I get none of it with my setup.
I have a RME digi pad connected to (via coax) a Bel Canto Dac 2 connected to a tube integrated amp. I'll take the convienence of having thousands of songs and albums at my fingertips, while sacrificing some fidelity (how much is debatable) to the CD changing ways anyday.
Having said that and after reading countless technical discussions on jitter, usb, coax, dac's and computer as source in general, in my opinion it comes down to this: computer as source can sound very good, but it's not there yet. Meaning, if you compare it to the world's best cd players (ie. Linn), computer as transport won't sound as good. To use an analogy here, the Linn cd player is a Formula 1 car. Is it better than a Mercedes S500? If speed and cornering is what you're after, you bet it's better. It won't have the nice climate controlled seats like the Mercedes S500 nor the smooth ride for that matter. The Mercedes is no slouch in cornering, but it can't beat the F1 Ferrari. So there... that really is the gist in my humble opinion. To take the analogy further, I think you're looking for climate controlled seats (Mercedes) and speed and cornering of an F1 Ferrari. That's going to be tough to find. Here are a few things that improved my sound.
Media: Mp3's won't do. FLAC, AIFF, APE and Wav is what you should be listening to.
Hardware: The computer needs to be assembled as an audio device from the start. Store bought systems, (especially if they're more then 3 years old) won't cut it. The RME is a good card because it's drivers bypass the windows own kmixer which mucks (a technical term ;) up the sound. Try reading up on "Lynx" which is another manufacturer of high-end sound cards
Software: The front end software is important as well. Foobar2000 is the most audiophile friendly player (but not easiest of most user friendly to set-up)

Last point. The lastest fad of hyping USB as the "solution" is debatable at best. Maybe it's cleaner than coax (SPDIF), then again maybe it's not. I've seen highly regarded DAC manufacturers ripped to shreads in forums. Their USB claims were simply ignorant or plain incorrect. Check out diy audio forums or headfi for those discussions.
Last but not least, you can throw money at your quandary, but I'd be carefull there. It might just leave you a little lighter in the wallet without any meaningful improvement.
Good luck!
Juzi68 - once you have the clarity and speed of PC driven playback, you will notice the jitter even more. The clock in the PC, the S/PDIF interface, the S/PDIF cable all add to the jitter. I hear it mostly as a bit of echo or sibilance at the high-frequencies. Once it was gone, I really appreciated this. Better than the best transport on the market now.
I also have a Cary 303/200 and use digital pass through for DVDs and DTS. I have considered upgrading to the 306/200, but I have never been able to hear one.