SACD vs DVD-A speaker set-up geometry

Is the layout geometry for DVA-A playback the same as SACD?

I am familiar with the industry standard layout specification for SACD speaker 5-same placement.

Is it the same for DVD-A surround? Or does that prescribe to say, a typical home theater (bipolar speaker) type location, or it's own specification.
I fully understand you, Ears, and I agree that such discs are annoying and unsatisfying. However, there are competent MCH discs. Perhaps my music preferences are different from yours but I find few gimmicky ones.

Ears...Favorable mention of the rear channel use on an Alison Krauss multichannel recording strikes me as strange. On the recording that I have, applause is loudly recorded only in the rear channels. This is a gimmick...not what you would hear from anywhere other than the first row, in which case the performance sonic perspective would be different. The transition from performance to applause is very abrupt and unnatural sounding. IMHO of course.
Thanks from everyone who's responded. I just brought home a 6-ch. Emm Labs rig and find it everything but gimmiky. Two channel's great until one does surround correctly. Of course I'm listening to some wonderful artists on the Chesky label, and other well recorded in great acoustic spaces in DSD. The 'drums in the rear' stuff I resevre for folks who want to sit down and be 'impressed' from one or two songs with sounds flying around the room. Not very satisfying for long enjoyable listening sessions. In that regard I agree with the soundstage arguement.

Anyone come up with the answer to DVD-A placement? Seems I can't get a straight answer!
Answered in first response. Of course, there's no accounting for what the "gimmicky" discs might require. ;-)
