Best sacd player

Anyone compared the new meitner gear to the modded sony scd-1 and the accuphase and esoteric gear?
David, Good luck with the construction. Lets get together for some tunes, neighbor. I will email you my info. Thanks again

Steve Milin
Nreddy, no preamp is required for the Denon, or any other player with my DAC board inside. The attenuator control is done in the digital domain inside the DAC (remote controlled). This eliminates all problems with analog preamps and attenuators. You can also change fast and slow digital roll off for PCM digital filter and absolute phase by pressing a button on the remote.

I can only comment that in my system, the Switchman is every bit as layered and dynamic as the Blowtorch, and it completely bettered the Rowland Coherence 2, another well-regarded unit. I have heard some of the others you ask about, but not in my system or room, etc. However, the switchman is also multichannel, the reason that I have it.FWIW, my main amp is a Boulder 2060 and my multichannle is a VK6200. My main speakers are Dynaudio temptations and my surrounds are C-4's.

David Shapiro
Hi David - you might ask Frank P what he thinks of the Blowtorch compared to the Switchman. I visited him a few weeks ago and took the 'Torch along since he wanted to hear it in his system. It was interesting :-)