Wadia 27ix Clock Synch w/ Transport-good thing?

I'm thinking I'd like a Wadia 270 Transport. I understand it can synch it's clock with the Wadia 27ix. Is the clock synch a big plus? It certainly limits the Transport/DAC pairings. Could it be that there's that much advantage to clock-synchronizations or can you run just about any DAC with the 270 Transport?
the clocklink is a significant improvement versus without clocklink the image just totally collapses without the clocklink. The review of the combination with clocklink is available on stereophile website archives section for more information check it out.
Thank you Mejames. I see from your system pics that you have some sort of vibration reduction system under your 861. Given the weight of the 861 and the 270, does the Riggle improve the sound a lot? 20%; 50%; 100%?
Any tweak that you make to the Wadia (and I suspect any top CD player) will make a noticable improvement. Power cords, a stand, a power conditioner, and other mods can dramatically (!) increase detail and speed while giving a smoother and more effortless presentation.
