Best CD player...for ME ;

This is NOT a question of which player is better, but which one is the best for me.

For me, I would like to have one that is as acurate and unforgiving as possible. But at the same time, one that has characteristics of tubes - warm sounding, not harsh, brite or edgy. I am totally into acurate midrange reproduction. And totally against piercing highs (I have a "recruitment" hearing loss where music past 65 dbs hurts my ears).

My current system is a set of Martin Logan ReQuest, PrimaLuna ProLogue One tube amp...and... a 1999... Panasonic DVD player

I can't afford the "best" out there, and my budget is only as high as the Music Hall CD-25 retails (~$550). NAD and Cambridge models are also in consideration, but not limited to just these. Can you recommend any others, as well as commenting on the ones I've mentioned?

I know the best thing to do is to "listen for yourself", but if you guys could kinda point me in the right direction so I don't waste too much time with auditioning players that don't even come close to what I'm looking for.

Thanks a whole bunch in advance!
Unless you are insisting on new the Audio Refinement Complete might suit your taste. I owned the Alpha version andfound it very warm, easy to listen to. They usually sell used in your price range. Good luck.
You might want to check out the Rega Planet 2000. If you buy used, it can be had in your price range. I think that might be just what you are looking for.
I would call Ric Schultz at EVS and chat about one of his modded players. Disclaimer: I have one of his hand-built DACs. Very ruthless, accurate, yet liquid. Lots of PRaT. Give Ric a call.
There's a great review of the Rotel RCD 1072 in TAS Feb/Mar 2004 - very affordable.
How about one of those "Ah! Njoe Tjoeb" Tube CD players? they are not too expecive. under 700, has a tube front end.