Best CD player for under $6000 used?

I'm looking for a good front end for my system. Any ideas? I thought about the Wadia 861se. Note: I also plan on updating my amp and speakers. Thanks!

The BAT VK-D5se is an all-around great choice. It uses the "super tube" 6H30, which offers better extension on both ends and better dynamics. It is a very "natural" sounding player (palpable image, rock solid). And the used price is only half of your budget.
I second Akaddict's comments on the BAT. This is a killer, very "analog-like" machine which was $6K new, should be able to find used for considerably less.
You should also take a look at the Audiomeca Mephisto IIX. They are usually available for between $3K & $4K used.
Do you have access to an Oracle, BOW, or M-F Trivista, Meridian, used Linn or BAT as listed above.
How about the Krell SACD for 4k.

I think the Wadia is killer though..... But would go after the Trivista or Krell or even the new Marantz SA11s1.