Were to go after a Rega Planet 2000?


I have a planet 2000 and enjoy its sound. I like its tone, PRAT, timber etc... but I want more of it. I find that the Rega lacks authority when playing. It still sounds like a CD player (and a CD player at that) but not live music. I want something that has the good qualities of the Rega, but just expands on them. I want a player to take control and give me music which leaves little to none to complain about.

I really like my friends Wadia, but I simply can't afford one.
I love the way it portrays the music.

My budget is $750-$1000 plus what ever I can sell me Rega for.

I have been suggested the Sony DVP-9000es. From what I have read it is reasonably priced and sounds good. But it's a Sony, and I am unsure about it.

I will consider everything, my only request is no tubes. I think they are better served in the preamp. Thoughts and opinions welcome.

I moved from a Planet 2000 to a Sony DVP 9000 and preferred the Planet 2000, but the Sony could play DVD so I kept it. I think the Planet was warmer and more musical where the sony sounded more like typical HI FI to me.
I guess I should look elsewhere then. The reason I like the planet is because it plays music. I am wanting to add to the warm musicality of the rega. I want more detail, air, staging and depth etc... but not at the expensive of musicality, PRAT, tone, timber etc..

Can anyone comment on the Ack dAck in regards to this?
Nick, I was looking for exactly the same sound as you do. All o the other players I tried gave up some of the warmth and musicality of the Rega for detail and better soundstaging. The AA prima has a very similar top end to the Rega, with a little more extension and a more detail. The bass of the Prima compared to the original Planet is much fuller and extended as well. The shading of instruments and voices is much more realistic on the Prima. What I was admiring most about the Prima so far is that it does show more detail, better soundstage, more there with out giving up the warmth and musicality of the Rega. Oh, and the Prima looks a lot better than any of the pictures I have seen of it.

There's some comments about the Ack 2.0 over at Asylum. In comparison to he original Dack it is supposed to have much tighter detailed sound with much better PRAT which I heard was missing in the older version. Sorry for the second hand info on the Dack, but I thought it might help.

Good luck,

You might be able to find a Classe CDP-1 for under $1K. Kinda like a Rega Planet 2000 on steriods.
BTW I went from the Sony DVP 9000 ES to Muse model 9 gen 3 and am so happy. It is an extremely musical player, neutral and sonicly rich at the same time. You could also try Meridian 508/20 for about $1000.