Were to go after a Rega Planet 2000?


I have a planet 2000 and enjoy its sound. I like its tone, PRAT, timber etc... but I want more of it. I find that the Rega lacks authority when playing. It still sounds like a CD player (and a CD player at that) but not live music. I want something that has the good qualities of the Rega, but just expands on them. I want a player to take control and give me music which leaves little to none to complain about.

I really like my friends Wadia, but I simply can't afford one.
I love the way it portrays the music.

My budget is $750-$1000 plus what ever I can sell me Rega for.

I have been suggested the Sony DVP-9000es. From what I have read it is reasonably priced and sounds good. But it's a Sony, and I am unsure about it.

I will consider everything, my only request is no tubes. I think they are better served in the preamp. Thoughts and opinions welcome.

Nick...check out the Denon 1650...used to own the original REGA...and this was a major upgrade in terms of soundstaging,detail, and lack of grain...great player...and I didnt think cdps differed much!....ooops...
Hi Nick, I have a Planet 2000, and also thought it was a little bit lacking. After reading the planet2k review on ETM, where the reviewer raved over the Nirvana SL ics with the Rega, i tried them and Wadia know, he was right. An $800. cable on a $900. CD player seems kinda silly, but my Rega sounds much more natural and undigital like and i'm very happy with the sound. I picked up a slightly used Nirvana SL for $400., money well spent. Borrow a few cables to try from The Cable Companys library(what a great idea and great deal) and maybe you won't need to upgrade your player. Good luck and have fun, Alan
Nick, here's another thought, in my earlier post i praised the Planet2000/Nirvana SL ics combo, i love mine, but i'm considering trying the Audio Mirror NOS dac. I'm a fan of the Audio Note dacs( i'd consider the Audio Note kit dac modded for less $$ than the 1.1X) and you mentioned the Ack 2.0. I was considering the Ack until i read the forums on the Audio Mirror, and the consenses seems to be that the Ack is close, but the Audio Mirror is better and it sells for $500. I'm going to try one, nothing but praise on the forums, check it out. Also, what's wrong with the planet as a transport, i'd try it first before i sprung for a different transport. The Audio mirror dac and top cables would be under your budget.

I was supprised to see my old thread come up again. Thanks for the info, but I bought a new player about 5 months ago. I know have a Parasound (CEC) belt drive transport and a Wadia DAC. I am happy with both units.

A used Cary 303/200, 306/200, MF 308cr or Ayre CX-7 would all be an upgrade.