APL 3910 owners, has anyone tried APL upsampler?

I placed order today for APL 3910 and Alex offered me to install his new upsampler board too. I choose to go with it but I've asked him to have it installed as switchable option.

I wonder if anyone of you heard his upsampler?

I spoke to Alex today. He told me only a couple of people have even listened to it. I got the impression no one has yet to receive it. I will be sending mine in to have the upgrade. i can tell you if Alex says it is better yet for redbook, you can take it to the bank. The only hesitance I had was how could it be better? Once again, if Alex says there is improvement, I believe it. He has always been very honest with me.

Thanks Tom, it's probably too early to expect any feedback yet.

After reading so many positive posts on Audiogon and AA I just can't wait to get my APL-3910. The only decent player I heard in my system was Audio Aero Capitole II and it was very, very good but I think APL 3910 should sound better.
Kaaos, Your right, you will be AMAZED at the improvement over the AA. I am shipping mine back to Alex next week, uuggghhh, I hate to part with it, but I will let you know after I get it back. I have found out over time, I just do what Alex suggests, as far as digital goes. Now, if the guy just got his amps, and speakers going, maybe I could stop searching....remember, the APL really comes into it's own after 500 uugghhh hours.

I thought i remembered reading comments from Alex saying something to the effect that "upsampling does nothing" and is "strictly marketing", etc... Am i confusing him with someone else??? Sean