Sony DVP-S9000ES redbook playback

I have read many reviews about the Sony DVP-S9000ES. Most praise it for SACD and DVD playback, but many question its ability with CD. However, one respected reviewer questioned whether the other reviewers were breaking in the CD portion before listening to it, or just switching from SACD to CD. For you Sony DVP-S9000ES owners, what is your experience with a well broken in machine playing back CD.

I went from a Rega Planet 200 to the Sony 9000ES and preferred the Rega which was warmer but captured the musical tones better. The Sony was more extended and detailed but sounded more like typical HI FI to me.
I agree with Philjolet.

I too have a Sony 9000ES, and its' redbook was pretty standard stuff. (I am the second owner and have had it for a couple of years, so it is well broken in). Detailed and extended is a good way to put it. Emotionless is another. The SACD is pretty good though.

I ended up going with a Resolution Audio Opus 21 cdp for my Redbook, and could not be happier with the sound. (Well, except for my vinyl setup of course, which is better than any cdp I have ever heard, but that is to be expected, IMHO.)
I agree with Philo and Kurt above. I've had to live with the 9000 I snatched from my theater system for the last couple weeks while my primary 2 channel machine is being upgraded (BAT D5.) IMO, the Sony is sterile, lifeless and cold. Detailed? Yes. Great on video and SACD? Yes. Nothing much beyond that...
i added a tube DAC to my sony 9000es for cd playback and it cured the sterile sound. now it provides a much warmer sound.
I had a Sony 9000ES and after break in, the redbook was far below audiophile standards and the SACD performance was so far below my digital front end for redbook (DCS Purcell, Levinson dac and Acoustic Arts transport)there was nothing else to do, but get rid of it.