Eastsound E5

I have done something that I don't normally do. I just ordered the newest version of the Eastsound E5 CDP from Cattylink.com (based in Hong Kong?) without being able to return it if I don't like the sound. The Eastsound Minimax has gotten some really great feedback on internet forums and press, but the E5 is supposed to be their best player. I know one who actually own one (Maxxc) and he thinks it's the best CDP he's ever used. And only for under $800 from Cattylink and they throw in a high grade PC for free that mates well with the CDP. According to Maxx, there is a Canadian dealer who put it up against his $9000 CDP and found the E5 better in overall sound. Any other who has heard or actually own one? Sometimes some of these Chinese gear are just too good to pass up.

I don't have any XLR cables so I haven't been able to try that out yet (I know Maxx has), but from what I have read on the net and heard from Maxx, the single ended outputs are superior. Hope that helps and thanks for reminding me about that fuse. It will be interesting to play around with that...

Have been trying to find everything I can on these units also. What little bit I have been able to find makes them sound like giant killers. What I would be particularly concerned about if buying from Far East is warranty and/or service, and what kind of help you would receive if there was damage in shipping. Don't know about DHL but horror stories are everywhere about claims with both UPS & FedEx and that is when you have a cooperative seller trying to help from their end.
Cnut, there are risks involved from buying from overseas you can't avoid. Snowy tells me you get a 1 year warrenty from Eastsound but you will have to pay for shipping, so be ready to plunk $100-200 if you choose to send it back for repair. The posivitive side is that this player is so cheap for what you get (according to those actually own them) so if something does go wrong you're haven't lost so much financially. As I have mentioned, you can choose to get the 120 hr QA test. I am aware of only one owner who had problem with the E5 after several months of use, and his was not the latest version of the E5 with more improvements to the transport. Personally I don't want to spend $4000 on a CDP, when I can get something comparable for $700 - the risk is worth it for me.
In terms of shipping, Cattylink took the extra step of almost triple boxing the unit (don't know if this is standard or if I lucked out). What I mean by this is that the CDP was double boxed and then some cardboard from other boxes was used to create a psuedo third level of packaging via tape and those really large staples. In any case, I must agree with Drac. The risk is worth it.