Should I pay a lot for a DAC?

How important is the DAC in a system? Is there going to be much difference between a $250 Adcom GDA-600 and a $700 Benchmark DAC1 (both used)?

Of course one could spend thousands but $450 is a big difference to me. What's your experience?
I have just gone through this process and looked at many DACs: Ack, Benchmark, MSB, Bel Canto, Scott Nixon, Audio Note, 47 Labs and more. I finally settled on an Audio Mirror D1 DAC for $499. It's available on Audiogon brand new from Audio Mirror. They build tube amps but this is a solid state non-oversampling unit. One thing you may want to do is some research on oversampling versus non-oversampling. There is a good thread in the forums you can check out, plus read about the Audio NOte and 47 lab philosophies on their websites. So far I like the sound of the unit, very analogue. I think the Benchmark would have been my other choice had I gone the oversampling route.
I just read Sundance45's answer, and then looked at his 'for sale' items. If you could afford to buy his Krell KRC-3 pre-amp, it would be a piece that would probably last you the rest of your life.

I had a KRC-3 for 10 years before trading it, and I just traded it because I wanted something new. This pre-amp is a classic. I've seen articles on the Internet about 'stereo pieces to keep for life', and the KRC-3 usually shows up on them, just like the Levinson 36 and 37 Cd and DAC combo. It's that good!

Sundance is asking $1250.00 obo for it, which is what the dealer gave me when I traded mine in. It's list price was $3200.00. Pieces like this could be a cornerstone for your ultimate stereo. And I'm not blowing smoke here, in fact, it may help your stereo more than the DAC.

Get an Ack dAck used for $325. Killer DAC that betters many for up to $4000. Really very nice sounding.

Thanks very much for the comments. I'll save and go for the better DAC. So far I've got a pair of Martin Logan reQuests and a Krell KSA-150. Looking to get a tube amp for the highs and it looks like a Benchmark DAC or one mentioned in this thread.