Dedicated CD Player Recommendation

Hi All,

Feel free to check out my virtual system to see my full system. In a nutshell, I've got an EAD CD-1000, Bryston BP-20, Bryston 4-NRB, and PMC LB-1 loudspeakers. I've got a small 9x9 room and listen to the PMCs nearfield. Last year, I added an inexpensive universal player, Pioneer 563a, and a turntable, Rega P-25, to the system. These, along with some aging ears, have exposed limitations with the CD-1000. Specifically, the treble glare is driving me nuts. The player has tons of detail along with articulate bass, but sounds a bit harsh with most female vocalists or strident recordings. I can throw the same disc into the Pioneer player and lose the glare. While it overall doesn't sound as good as the CD1000, it's a lot easier on my ears.

I've had a chance to audition a variety of players from Arcam, Jolida, Primare, Rega, and Simaudio. Of sub-$1200 players, the Jolida and Rega Planet had a nice smooth sound, but lacked the detail I've come to expect. At the higher price points, the Arcam CD-33 is very nice, but the Simaudio Equinox really grabbed my ears. I haven't brought it home for an audition yet. I would like to hear some other recommendations for players to look at new or used under $2500. I'd really like to hear from any other Bryston/PMC owners what players have great synergy in your system.

You could easily pick up a used Meridian 508.24 which would be an enormous improement, really a wonderful cdp.
As per what you explained you really like a clean and detailed sound. I'd say go SimAudio, I've got their Nova for almost two years, and it's just a fantastic player. While there are many players with soft, velvety sound, if you're about cleaness - SimAudio is the one.
I too was changing CD players for treble glare. I have owned the ayre cx7 and the treble was so sharp that i can't stay in the room with violins. The solution was power filtration with hydra & elrod pc. Glare was actually subtle variations and texture in the music that was obscured by noise.
Erik - I purchased a dealer demo Equinox around November and love it. Its a very musical player - leans to the warm side and very easy to listen to for long periods of time.

Lately, I've found myself reaching for CD's and the Simaudio over playing my vinyl.

Players I listened to before it were few -- Music Hall's $1500 player, Naim's newer player, a Shanling Tube player, and maybe a couple of others.

For the $1300 demo price, I liked this player alot.
Hi All,

Thanks for all the responses. I haven't made my choice on the CD player yet. However, while the search continues, I've purchased a Sony DVPS-9000ES DVD/SACD player to improve my 2 channel SACD playback. If I don't find a CD player that completely scratches my itch, I'll send the 9000 off to TRL for modification and see if that does the trick.
