Samsung Hd841 or Toshiba 4960 modifications

Can anyone give me some impressions on these machines? I currently have a much more expensive player. I like the fact that these players are universal, physically much smaller than what I have, and cheap(!). There is a very positive post here on the stock player, but if it is that good, why aren't more people jumping on board. Is it that good? Or just good for the money?
I think your experiences were better than mine, Musicdoc. With my Samsung in CD mode, I would have been happy were it wooly and untamed. It was more nonexistent for me. SACD is much better, though still not up to the level I consider acceptable. My hope is with a seriously beefed up power supply and output, it then competes with most digital players.
My RAM mod 4960 is getting better after a few days of break in, but the CD performance in terms of low to mid-low frequence range is still kind of soft compared to the CD player of thousands of dollars. The SACD performance is awesome, I think can be compared to some more expensive machines like someone said 'LINN Unidisk'.

Some important issues regarding 4960,

You must run audio setup first before you use it as CD player. Some may just use it as CDP and "plug and Play', like I did, that is why I got poor bass performance at first, because 4960 is setup for multi channel play. You need to disable other speakers and Sub(FLE) in "speaker setup" so that 4960 will send bass signals to your front speakers(L and R). You also need to select "L and R" speaker as "large". One more tirck, when play in SACD mode, the 4960 alway play in "Multi channel" mode at first, you need press "Audio or 'L & R cursor'" button to change to Stereo mode(In CD mode "Audio" button change play mode in: "R","L","Stereo"). That was why my 4960 sound so bad at first listen(no bass) that I wanted to return it. SACD/DVD-As are widely available and they are the future. I think for $870 you get a great sounding SACD player that also players CD well.

By using the Best CD player NAIM CDS2/XPS as refernece
(Naim CDS2/XPS:
LInn Classik: )
, I would like to give 4960 scores

CD performance: 85
Pro: Refined sound,sweet high articulate mid and kind of analog sound.
Con: sound stage and bass could be better

SACD performance: 92
Pro: Pro: Refined sound,sweet high articulate mid and kind of analog sound, big 3D sound stage and imaging.
Con: bass could be better
One more point, as many 4960 buyers/users expressed the idea that bass performance(inherited weakness from stock unit) is the area to be improved, a good Modifier should focus and correct this.
For this reason from 1 to 5 star, I would only like to give RAM mod shop 3 Star.
This is a follow up review. After 120 hours of running the RAM mod 4960's performance is getting better, bass is getting stronger. Overall balance has improved quiet a bit. The low to mid0low range has improved so the sound is more balanced. Compared to mid to high range the mid-low to low range can not be said to be great but OK. Also, I am using B&W 704 speakers, you must take into account that it is not a big speaker, if you are using a large speaker the mid-low to low range may sound a lot better than my speakers.
I have a stock Tosh 4960. Considering using as a transport with a DAC. If I use as a transport are there "must have" mods that will help or should I just stick with stock unit and put my focus elsewhere?