Mod for Sony SCD-1 or Different Player?

So it's possibly upgrade time and my system is shuffling around. I'm planning on a Pathos Logos or Inpol2 (depending on funds, and how much I like the new Sim i-7 or the BAT VK-300XSE) to mate with my Totem Forests, and at some point want to upgrade my Sony SCD-1. I'm debating over whether to go the mod route, or to get a different player alltogether. I love the sony's build quality, and the SACD is great as it stands, but the redbook playback is a little thin, and the load time is kind of a drag.

I'm probably (re)opening what is a can of worms here, but what do you guys think? I own some SACD titles, but do most of my listening in redbook. I'd like to keep it under a grand for the time being (but would love to hear about more expensive options).

For you SCD-1 loyals, what mods do you recommend (I'm assuming modwright will be in there somewhere) and what can I expect for redbook playback improvement?

Otherwise, if I decide to sell the Sony, what would be a good mate for the above setup (using Analysis plus cables and listening to all types of music) within the 2-3 grand range?

Thanks for your help guys (and gals).
Thanks for the input Gmorris. I haven't done much research on the mods other than what I've read on Agon and Audio Asylum (so I guess I have done some research, heh). I can't seem to find pricing for the Superclock3/PSU3 upgrade. What are your reservations about the clock's life? I think for the meantime I might go for the less intrusive upgrade, meaning, since I'm already upgrading my amp section, I'll need to get used to the new sound, which should already be an improvement. I'm guessing I'll go with an outboard DAC for redbook first, and if I'm still not happy I can always go the mod route, but maybe it makes sense to exhaust all my other options (DAC, ICs, PCs, vibration control) before doing something so drastic. I also don't think I'll sell the SCD-1 either way. It's jus too m'f'n good in most ways, and I can't see being as pleased with anything around it's price range, and doubt I can ever find something so well built. My friend's MF tri-vista SCD is nice, and quite a bit faster, but I don't think it's still up to snuff. So now I guess it's off to find a DAC?
Both the Audiocom Superclock3 and Superclock3 PSU are priced at about $295 each. The mod gives the biggest bang for the buck according to Positive Feedback magazine and Reference Audio Mods.

I am happy with the current level of performance from the SCD-1 with the Superclock3/PSU3 mod. I plan no further mods in the near future.
"There really is no comparison. The VSEI mod just kills the stock sound."

I could not agree more. I did the level 4.5 VSEI mod (2 months ago) and the player is at another level. I actually ended up buying 15 more SACD's immediately after I heard the modded player. The reddbook and SACD sonics are improved greatly.
I had the level 4.5 VSEI mod done to my stock SCD-1 several months ago. I did this based on many reviews I had read. I picked the VSEI mod precisely because it allowed to keep the stock sound if I wanted it.

I agree that the performance on redbook CD is very much improved. I had been using an Electrocompaniet ECD-1 as an external DAC for redbook. I still like it's sound, but almost always listen to redbook CDs using the VSEI mod.

I am of two minds on the performance on SACDs. It is deeper, broader and richer, but there is also a tad less "air" between the instruments and also hint of edginess/sharpness in the strings (basically I listen only to classical music) that is not there when I use the stock SACD outputs. Still, I listen mostly to the modded SACD outputs

These are prelimiary impressions, as I haven't had all tha tmuch time to listen to my machine lately.