klipsch- love/hate relationship?

Thinking of buying a pair of Klipsh klf20b. Netmarket price is 949.00. Have heard the klf10b and liked pretty well. How does the 20b compare and does anyone have overall comments ? This speaker really seems to polarize folks. Haven't seen many middle-of-the-road comments on Klipsh.
I had owned a pair of 5.5 and I sold them and upgraded to KLF30 I feel Klipsch offers a great value for the money.I f you can afford it buy the KLF30 over the KLF20 much more bass and a wider soundstage with high end speaker cable and innerconnects aka; audioquest midnight -audiotruth emerald contrary to what another member said these speakers are very detailed you really wouldn't need a subwoofer.GO for it...
Klipsch are for home theatre - they're very efficient, blaringly loud speakers. Not very good with details. To me, speakers that use horns always sound like someone cupping their hands around their mouth while they speak - it's just not natural! For a true audiophile, I would suggest looking (and listening!) elsewhere. As a happy customer, I recommend Legacy Audio highly (www.legacy-audio.com). Their Studio model ($950) is the best speaker under $1,500. Since 1983, Legacy has sold direct to the public. Because there are no dealers to pay, you get about twice the speaker for the price.
To fully understand what Klipsch speakers are all about, one must drive Klipschorns or La Scalas with low-powered, tube amplifiers. The second part of the equation is to prefer concert force sound levels. Thirdly, it helps to appreciate quality construction and science. When done properly they have superb sound that's hard to duplicate with cones and domes. What I'm talking about is superior dynamic range and crisp transient response, and very unstrained at high sound pressure levels. And the prettiest wood in the business - what else would you expect a Klipsch nut to say?
you could buy cerwin vegas for much less money and achive the same results. I have corner horns and I hate them now but they make great "loud speakers" loud -yes they are. But Quality reproduction is what I prefer today. for a rock and roll speaker their great but other wise continue your search.
after cornwalls with correct power.....the big horns set up just right with clean tube like amps....my new B&W 802s make me want to chop up the k-horns for fire wood.....the sound is magic