B&W Signature 805s v. Merlin TSM-Ms ?

I am looking for small, monitor-type high-end speakers to sit on end-tables in a 18x20 foot room. Wife doesn't want large and loud; I like clarity. I have a sub if necessary. I've heard the 805Sigs. and liked them, haven't heard the Merlins, though recommended to me. Suggestions/comments re these and/or others most welcome.
Based on my experience with the Merlin VSM-MMs and B&W Nautilus 801, 802, 805s, I'd recommend the Merlin TSM-MM or MX. Note, the TSM (and VSM) have been upgraded to either the TSM-MM or TSM-MX (premium) status. I personally found my merlin VSM-MMs greatly outperformed the B&W 801, 802, and especially 805 except for the last bit of bass extension that the 801 provided. (That being said the VSM's bass was much cleaner). The MM and MX versions or upgrades are SIGNIFICANT improvements over the TSM-m or vsm-m. In fact, Bobby Palkovic (the designer/owner of merlin music) stated the TSM-MX outperforms the VSM-m floorstander, which is amazing. The MM and MX upgrades or new speakers improve upon the previous M version in all areas, such as bass response, imaging, soundstaging, smooth highs, defined lows, etc., AND they mate, much, much better with solid state gear. Even if you decide to go with the TSM-Ms, these will IMHO still outperform the sig 805s by a fairly large margin. You can always upgrade them at a later date.

Having heard most of the nautilus series, I feel that the merlin TSM-M/MM/MXs are the way to go. You can always call Bobby P. at merlin, and he can give you advice about equipment selection, setup, room treatment, etc. even if you are buying used speakers or decide to go with the B&Ws. No matter what your pricerange is, if you decide you want to upgrade your gear, bobby can give you tons of advice. He is so accessable and friendly, you really should consider giving him a call. I'd strongly suggest trying to demo the Merlins, as I think if you do, you won't give the sig 805s much more thought. Also, as has been mentioned, check out audioreview for the ~60 5/5 ratings for the VSMs and ~ 40 5/5 ratings for the TSMs, including several people who switched from sig 805s to tsms.

Last review is good for the Merlin versus the nautilus line, however, nautilus and signature are VERY different. Nautilus is a good speaker, the reason I use them for surrounds, while the signature is a fantastic speaker, why I use them for fronts. I don't disagree with Jwells review about the nautilus, but it doesn't speak to the sig. Apples and oranges really.

No half decent speaker should be treated to table tops! The two you mention are a considerable degree more capable. Too bad your wife isnt more understanding, but if you are inflicting your "hobby" on a public area of your home then it is only right to consider and respect her thoughts on the matter. Prpixel may have the closest suggestion to the right sort of compromise.Maybe you could bribe her into allowing for a proper set up?
Jamesw20. While I haven't heard the sig 805s, I have a hard time believing they outperform the Nautilus 801s, and I felt the merlins handily outperformed the 801s. Take that for what it's worth, but the choice for me was easy. I think the best advice would be for the original poster to listen to BOTH speakers. If this is done, I'm sure the answer, whichever he prefers, will be obvious.
