Best Vanishing speakers

What speakers do you feel pull of the best vanishing act?
I had speakers in the range of EPOS ES11, Sonus Faber Electa Amator, Totem Model 1, Dynaudio Contour 1.1, Audience 40... In all honesty, if properly set-up i a room, all speakers will disappear. Its a matter of how they are set-up!!! And I 'm not talking expensive front end equipment here, guys, the key is setting up. When these are done properly, any speaker will disappear!
Kudos to Ferdinand right on the $$$$Lets go one step further It ain't just if they disapear,much like a speaker that gets down into 20's/30's what does it sound like?A piano that has dissapeared remind you anything of a real one? Budget sub w'fs get there no tone to the instrament