Best Vanishing speakers

What speakers do you feel pull of the best vanishing act?
Hi, you are never sure how nice something sounds until you put it to a test. Last Monday I had another audio store manager and assistant manager come by to hear Kharmas at my store. They have heard must everything else including Avalon, but never kharmas. when they left (it was getting late so it was time to close)and all they could say was that it was the best sound they had ever heard. All I did was DJ the sound and I just sat quietly watching their faces and ask simple questions like: how do they sound, what are your thoughts about the soundstage, etc. I sat there as a student and listen to there comments. I tried not to get in the way or share my opinions to make sure they had an open book to judge these speakers. When they left all I can say is that I had a big smile on my face and I truly now know that these speakers will blow away what Colorado had to offer and beyond prior to this auditon. It was a nice day in the neighborhood
Two wildly different speakers certainly meet the "best disappearing" category for me: the new Martin-Logan Prodigy, and Richard Sequerra's MET-7 mini-monitor. I've never owned the M-L Prodigy, but I did have a set of MET-7's for a number of years. MET-7 threw a phenomenal soundstage, imaged like crazy, and usually "weren't there".
Have you heard the speakers from Australia? The Osborn Epitomes with extra Woofers.Check out their review in the latest Bound for Sound publication. Unbelievable transparency.
As a SoundLab owner I'm right there with Albert and company. They are unique in that you have only one fullrange driver. Pure phase coherency. If you want to experience something rather unique set up the A-1/U-1's and sit very close; in the near field, such that you are significantly closer to the speakers than they are from each other. The effect is startling, its like sitting right on the soundstage. You also minimize the room effects by being in the nearfield, although you still need to do a fair amount of rear wave damping. It looks pretty odd, sitting so close to 8 ft speakers. Just turn out thelight and get lost in the performance. Only a single driver speaker can do this (just like headphones) and the Soundlabs are one of the few single driver, full range speakers around.