Andra II vs. WattPup 7 vs Legacy Focus 20/20

I am at a loss. The upgrade bug has bitten once again but am looking for some feedback. Have listened to the WP 7 and seen all the accolades - just not that impressed with them. Any feedback on the Eggleston Works Andra II's or taking a step down in price - big, the new Legacy Focus 20/20's. Will be driving the new speakers with Pass X600's. Prefer a big open soundstage sound versus strict adherence to accuracy and detail. Thanks
I know someone who A/B Andra original and Wilson watt
puppy, I am not sure if its the seven,He bought the Andra.
Acoording to Him no contest,He was using Mark Levinson
gear, Wadia that time.
Legacy is not near high end,just a mailorder joint.Behind that polished rosewood are the ghosts of bose and Polk.
Stay away!
Transporter, I based my comments on the Legacy Focus 20/20 on what I heard and on the measurements. The bass response is bloated! A well designed speaker should measure flat in an ancholic chamber. Thess do not, and never will. The only place the bass will ever be flat is in a poorly designed room. If you think a speaker designed with this obvious flaw is a great speaker than go buy a pair, but there a very few people concerned with good sounding music that are willing to accept a speaker that is designed with bloated bass, unless you want to listen to a lot of rap.

I heard these speakers with some good MacIntosh electronics and based on what I heard would not consider them for a serious listen. I am 43 years old and have sat in on more than my fair share of listening sessions. I know what to listen for, and what issues are going to cause problems for doing serious listening. The issue was not the room or the gear. The issue was the speakers.

Some goofball in Stereophile can say they are the best speaker ever made, but that will not change my opinion.

I have no interest in this company, I'm not an investor in one of the other companies. I don't sell stereo equipment. I'm just trying to pass on some helpful advice.

hotdownhere, in regard to the Revel Salons mentioned earlier, they are another great option. I listened to them in a shop with Levinson gear, and they had the most "liquid" midrange I have ever heard!!! They were nothing short of stunning. I cannot imagine what they would sound like in a good room with better electronics. The Cremona's are also a good choice in the price range you are looking.

I will just mention again (and you are perfectly welcome to discount everything I have said) there are many good to great speakers in the price range you are looking but the Legacy Focus 20/20 does not deserve to be in that catagory. Don't believe me, go out and listen. They have been a mail order (I wonder why!?!) company for years, but several midfi shops have picked them up recently.
If the reveiwers at Stereophile are "goofballs" then why would you give credence to their measurements? Also, regardless of how a speaker measures in an anechoic chamber the real test of a proper design is whether the speaker sounds flat in an appropriate room at the intended listening position.
I have Legacy Signature III's . They sound especially good if Im playing my free CD from Ridge Street Audio !