Best of the small speakers

I'm looking for a small, preferably floorstanding speaker that will integrate well with my current system and room. My main source is a California Audio Labs CL-20 DVD/CD player, through a Rotel RC-995 preamp, into a McCormack DNA 0.5 Deluxe (which will be upgraded to Revision B by Steve McCormack himself in the very near future). My current speakers are Magnepan 1.6QRs. While I absolutely love many of the Maggies traits, they don't seem to integrate well into my fairly small listening space. As far out from the wall as I can move them, about 30 inches, I still get what sounds to me to be a fairly ragged frequency response. For reference, I have pretty electic listening tastes, from baroque to bebop to bluegrass, but the majority of my music is fairly complex, with many simultaneous melodic or rhythmic lines, on both acoustic and electric instuments. Accurate, timbrally-true bass is more far more important to me than rattling the windows. Any suggestions for speakers roughly in the Maggie's price range ($1500-$2500) which you feel would fit well into my system would be appreciated. Just trying to narrow down my shopping list. One speaker which has drawn my attention is the Thiel CS 1.5s, but I know there must be others I am missing! Thanks in advance for the help!!!
My first choice would be the Silverline SR17, though it may be a little out of the price range. Also very good are the Joseph Audio RM signatures. Clean, open, downright musical. Other choices would be the Soliloqy 5.3s, or some of the Proac Studio 150s or 250s, or some Montana SPs if you could find them.
A speaker that is modestly priced($750.) and was part of a 2nd 5khifi system that I have sold is the Energy eXL 26's.I even tried them in my 15K hifi system and they sounded very good.I actually upgraded my top system speakers after that.The better the gear the better that they perform.Worth a listen,if you can.As posted above,the Vandersteen 3a's have a great sound and following.You definitely should consider the Signatures as they bring everything up a subtle but obvious notch.To keep in your budget ,buy the 3a's and later they can be upgraded.The site describes the pricing and improvements.Read the review at soundstage,that compares the regular with the Sig.Another speaker that is modestly priced($2195 pr.) and was so highly acclaimed by Stereophile that it made a solid a rating is the Hales Revelation 3's.You can read a review on them at audio revolution.I also am planning on upgrading my DNA 1 Dlx. in the near future.happy hunting.
Dunlavy SM-1 monitors are the most impressive monitor we have ever heard. PLEASE compare them to B&W N805 (Stereophile runner up spkr of the year!).
if ya like the maggies, take carl's advice & go for something sound-absorbent behind them, before buying new speakers. this will help them a lot, especially in a small room. regarding new speakers, other than the vandersteens, which i don't care for, i'd agree w/the others. there's a *ton* of speakers in this price range that are excellent. my personal choice would be to get small monitors on stands, instead of floor-standing speakers. you mite give up a few hz at the bottom, but this should not be much of an issue in a smaller room, & the *rest* of the sound will generally be better - better depth/soundstage/clarity, etc. for example, i really like the hot-rod kestrals, but i like the proac tablette signatures better. i'd *really* like to hear the proac sc1's! other monitor speakers i like are the aerials, the meret ankhs & re's (discontinued, sometimes available used), totems, & diapasons.