upgrading from Spica TC60's to ??

I have had the TC60's for a long time, and the TC50's before that. I feel I need to upgrade under the assumption there have been some advancements over the last ten years. Other than that I love my speakers. My electronics are pretty good including a CJ 11A, 70watt amp. I have a small room and am considering a small/medium floor standing speaker. I would like to hear from someone who had these speakers and found something better, not just different.
I have owned two pairs of TC50's, and modified the last pair like this: new better binding posts, cardas wiring, remove felt from front. I don't know about the TC60's but I've heard that the TC50's are actually better. Biggest drawback I think is the inablility to bi-wire the TC50's. My other system I use JPW 510's from England; these I think are better (tonal voicing, imaging, dynamics, bass) than the TC50's and are very inexpensive! I highly recommend the JPW 510s. Better than those are the Chario Academy 1's: these are really the best small speakers I've heard with the exception of the Ensemble Reference monitors ($4K)
I also went from TC-50's to TC-60's using a CJ mf2200 amp and MIT T2 biwires. My next upgrade was a pair of Martin Login Aerius (used). Fantastic upgrade, especially after I replaced the T2 with Kimber TC8. Good luck.
I still have a pair of my beloved TC50s. Great speakers but can definitely be improved upon. Try to get a pair of Kinergetics subwoofers (I had the BSC200) which will do wonders for the low end. The Edison Price binding posts are also a major improvement. I eventually upgraded to the Alon IIs but they cost 4 times as much as the TC60s.