Is B&W A Reputable Company

I mean I've heard their Nautilus line and prefer them to Avalons and Wilsons, and think the 802 is as transparent as a properly place Martin Logan. Does anyone else like them? and also do you think there is a big difference between the 803 and 802?
After listening to many speakers, I purchased a pair of Nautilus 805s. I believe these small Nautilus speakers to be the finest bookshelf models I've heard at any price. They offer high levels of refinement and craftsmanship. I've heard the larger Nautilus models and found each to be excellent. Probably the best approach is to make a selection based on the bass response needed for your listening room. The 805s seemed the best choice for my small 12x15 music room. B&W is a quality company- even their $250 DM-302s sound great.
The definition of reputable is:1.adj[worthy of esteem or deference] Synonyms, respectable, creditable, estimable, reputed, well-thought-of. Near Synonyms, honorable, worthy. If you are actually asking these questions about B&W, the answer is YES, they are all of these things! If you are asking for opinions about the performance of B&W compared to other speakers, I do prefer B&W, when compared to Avalon or Martin Logan. I cannot say the same if you wish to add Soundlab, Magnaplaner, and Quad.
My 801s3 (1996 vintage) continue to keep me satisified. However after 3 years a wire to the voice coil on my tweeter started to have an intermitent connection. B&W took care of me that day with FedEx'ed replacement. Always there on their 800 line. Only Audio Research, Inc (Minnesota) has bested B&W over the years for me in terms of exceptional performance and the ULTIMATE in customer support and parts supply.
The most reputable speaker company today. More goes into their research and development than any 10 American speaker companies combined.The build quality is second to none.