Need help with ProAc Response OneSC

Anyone has any comments about ProAc Response OneSC? I am going to purchase one soon, but have not had a chance to compare with other speakers in the price range, ie. Totem model one sig. Anyone has done any comparisons with other speakers? I like speakers with good image/soundstage and listen to variety of music. I am going to drive them with a (budget) integrated amplifier, again, I need some help. Which reasonable priced amp would be able to drive the Response One? Thanks.
Listen to Coincident Conquests.You will be happy you did.Less money better speaker.
I almost bought a pair of these speakers after hearing so many rave reviews about them. When I went to the store to audition them, I was bit disappointed. It sounded very analytical & I just couldnt stand the excess highs. In the end, I bought instead the Vienna Acoustics Haydn at half the price. The finish of the haydn is as good, the bass is as good & the best part, it sounded very good without having to use expensive stuff. I paired the haydn with the Audio Analogue Puccini SE Remote with the Paganini CD player and Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cables. Great combo and no regrets!
ProAc calls the 1SC a miniature and the Tablette 2000 Signature the ultimate in compact loudspeaker design. They share the same tweeter and the same Michell binding posts. The Signature has a larger cabinet and bass driver. It comes only in premium finishes, which are optional on the 1SC. They won't move a lot of air like a floor stander, but if you can accept that, the 2000 Signatures are ProAc's best kept little secret. The all-model ProAc manual says "When used as intended they are virtually indestructible." But, if you destroy them clipping your budget integrated, good luck finding a shoulder to cry on.
there's an alchemist kraken integrated f/s on audiogon - would be a perfect match w/the proac 1sc's. my brother-in-law uses the kraken separates to drive his proac 2.5's - *great* sound...
I haven't heard the Response 1sc but have given the Response 2s a good audition in my system and I own the ProAc Studio 150's. I'd highly recommend the McCormack DNA 0.5 Deluxe I have as a good match at a used price of less than $1,000.