Talon Loudspeakers

Has anybody heard the Talon loudspeakers? Any thoughts? Especially the Talon Peregrine speakers ($6,000). Thanks.
Vrauthor: I would agree that a Roc with Khites has the potential to be better than the Peregrines by themselves. Because you can obviously ideally position the woofer and the satelittes. One thing is that you will find once you get settled with your Khites is that if your willing to take a bit of time subtle adjustments can make significant improvements. Just like the Khorus and Pergrine the Khite are not only sensitive to low frequency standing waves like other speakers, but also to the same effects in the high frequencies. Subtle movements of a 1/4 inch or less can make noticeable difference in terms of locking them into a room. I have found difference in a 1/16" of toe in or sidewall placement. This may seem at first ridiculous but once they are broken in it is worth tinkering with. For what it's worth. James W.
I was talking to Joe Fratus of Art Audio today about the amp I bought. He asked what speakers I was using. When I told him I own the Khorus, he said he heard them two weeks ago and "it was unbelievable what those speakers can do. They're great." He said that he heard them driven with a 12 watt SET, and thinks his 6 watt 300b amp just coming out would easily drive them.
Glreno: In a smaller to moderate size room with baroque chamber music, alternative female pop singers, Irish and scottish folk music etc. 3 to 3.5 Watts does quite nicely. If you Run them with a Roc you could probably run 2A3's in an even larger room and/or with larger scale stuff. I'd consider a 300B, but I want to wait and see what people think of the new Vaic Meshplate 300B's. I really wonder if you can get the same kind of air, midrange and upper frequency bloom out of a 300B. The Vaic Meshplate 2A3's also kick more serious heiny on the Talon's then you might imagine. No question the Talon's love triodes! James W.
Hi James! I got my Jota today and it drives the piss out of the Talons using the VV32B at 20watts per channel. It plays as loud as the Electrocompaniet AW120, which is what I was using previously. The Jota takes 310 volts from my P600, where as the Electrocompaniet took only 170 to drive the Talons. I agree! SET amps sound very good on the Talons.
Awesome bud! I keep trying to tell people how wonderful SET's and Talon's are and people tend to look at me funny or send me email's about how it can't be done. How big is your room and what type of stuff do you listen to and how loud? Would you mind comparing/contrasting the differences between the Electro and the Jota. James W.