Talon Loudspeakers

Has anybody heard the Talon loudspeakers? Any thoughts? Especially the Talon Peregrine speakers ($6,000). Thanks.
Hi James! It sounds great! Bass is as solid and powerful as the solid state amp I had before, but with more detail. It can rock, or play delicate passages equally well. The sound is harmonically rich and natural, and the soundstaging is wider and deeper than anything I've experienced before. I'm using the VV32B, but I will buy the 52Bs and try them just for kicks. My Jota has the bigger transformers and electronics designed for the 52B, so both can be used.
Gary: Very cool! I know Tierry's getting excited about listening to the lastest Cary 805, but that jota sounds like one hell of a fine amp if you want serious triode SPL's. My little Paraglows still do a more than adequate job for most of my listening. James
When I started this post on Sept. 11th I had no idea of the tremendous response it would get. Thanks for the input. I have recently purchased the Peregrines and am waiting for them to break in. Just one more response to this post and it will make one hundred responses. Wow!
OK ELB, now go back and count the posts that have substantive content and are not bent on arguing or undermining the integrity of others and you'll find the count is much less. Arguing subjective opinion without a baseline of common respect is pointless. It's a hobby man. Listen with your ears, look with your eyes and buy with your dollars. Sharing enthusiasm and respecting others opinions is a good way to make these boards fun for all of us. Grant