home made speaker cable vs. the big boys

I have been reading a lot recently about power cords and speaker cable. Everyone has their take on how to make great sounding cable. Some market players use "special chemicals" in their product while others don't. Some have thin cable , some have thin cable. I'm thinkin, my opinion is as valid as anyone elses. So why not attemt to make some high end cable my self? Has anyone tried this and been successful at diy "high end cable" ?
Hi Pcs. I havn't found that stranded has any benefits anywhere. It just doesn't sound as good in any area you name. Solid core conducts better and keeps the signal purer. the the music is just better all around in all area's. I havn't found it to be a preference thing it's just better.......CARL_EBER.....If I remember right you have krell gear. That explains why you like MIT. MIT colors and slightly dulls the sound which is why everybody says it's laid back sounding. Not knowing why at the time, I preferred MIT and it sounded good because I was actually using it to make up for a deficiency in my amp (classe ca-100). Which was bright upper mids. Now I have a way better amp with incredible tonality and clarity (B.A.T VK-200) and swiching between interconnects and speaker wire I could tell how much those passive networks were changing the sound. I mean come on there is no way to keep a signal pure by going through extra cicuits and networks....MIT=EXPENSIVE EQUALIZER......PERIOD.....but even though that is the case if it's worth it to someone and it does fix a problem in there system than that's fine. If they like the sound then that's good for them. I'd rather just spend the extra money and buy gear with the correct tonality to start with and keep the clarity and transparency that's in the signal to start with but which the passive networks of MIT dulls.
Just a note. Hyperbole will destroy _____ (insert brand). Hyperbole is the biggest scam in the Audiophile community bar none. Hyperbole is for the guy who wants to brag about how little he spent (and how the rest of you are idiots). Hyperbole lets you know when to let your ears pick and when to pick your ears. What a gift. Tml2, if MIT weren't around, what benchmark would we use to assess your brilliance?
Any time you want to get toghther a few people and sit down and do some A/B testing I would be glad to put up some $100/200/300 and some of my DIY.Against anything you want to bring.So come on MR Hyperbole bring on cable and leave the sarcasm for another post.I feel sorry that you have to use Princton grammer to cover up your bad choice in cable.So any time you want to put your overpriced cable up against something i made for 75.00 come on i welcome the challange.One thing for certin no one reviewr with TAS Stereophile,Ultimite Audio would take this challange.I doubt you would.Yes there are many of you out there who talk about how much you spend.One thing is for ceartin.$ spent have nothing to do with how musical a system can be.It helps but the money has to go into source components not overpriced black magic like MIT,Nordst,Tara Labs,Monster.Pure 99.999 silver cost about 10$ an ounce.You can get about 7/8 feet of wire out of an ounce.So why are you paying 300 per foot for.Because you have HYPERBOLE FOR BRAINS.
Khrys.These comments are based on having heard the following cables.MIT MH-850 Nordst Quattro Fil,Audio quest Opal emerald Midnight,JPS superconductors and the + version.Wireworld Atlantis Eclipse III Gold Eclipse III IOXS Tara Labs Goertz.I have had them at home and have heard them at dealers.Note both the MIT and Nordst dealers would not allow me to use my Interconnect in their system to do a comparison.What where they affraid of.
Tm12, TARA LABS uses rectangular conductors, and their extensive listing of iinformation in their white papers at http://www.taralabs.com provides the science to back up their claims. These guys are leagues ahead of Nordost and MIT. For your information.... I've got TL Master Gen 2 and Audiotruth Opal right now, both of which, I feel to be excellent. Whether or not I could make the same design for less $, I dont know. I am, however, really glad to see this thread, and the information (besides the eye gouging) contained herein.