home made speaker cable vs. the big boys

I have been reading a lot recently about power cords and speaker cable. Everyone has their take on how to make great sounding cable. Some market players use "special chemicals" in their product while others don't. Some have thin cable , some have thin cable. I'm thinkin, my opinion is as valid as anyone elses. So why not attemt to make some high end cable my self? Has anyone tried this and been successful at diy "high end cable" ?
Tm12, I think you misunderstood me, I am talking about mastering studios, ie where you would master a cd for example, they do not mfgr. cable and I would think that they want the signal as neutral as possible.
Mastering studios don't use $1200/meter interconnect. Actually, the majority of people in studios do not get into cable. I know many who always mention Monster Cable when talking of going to a "good cable", because they are working on a SPECIAL project. It is a different industry entirely, one not caught up with our paranoia
In the current issue of Sterophile, Bob Ludwig (gateway mastering studios) states they only use Transparent Ref. Transparent also lists in some of their adds, recordings that have been made using their cables. I am sure they are not the only "high end cable" being used in all the recording studios.Just the ones that care.