home made speaker cable vs. the big boys

I have been reading a lot recently about power cords and speaker cable. Everyone has their take on how to make great sounding cable. Some market players use "special chemicals" in their product while others don't. Some have thin cable , some have thin cable. I'm thinkin, my opinion is as valid as anyone elses. So why not attemt to make some high end cable my self? Has anyone tried this and been successful at diy "high end cable" ?
Gmkane, like you said, Ludwig can make anything sound good, but it all comes down to this. He wanted the best reproduction of the recording he is mastering possible, and he chooses Transparent to do this. We as audiophiles are seeking the same goal, the best reproduction of the recording possible, granted we will never be able to match what is (gateway) studio. I still stand by the you can't polish it statement, because that is what it will sound like , polish.
Before they start to even think of cable inprovements they need to stop over mikeing and over mixing. That's where all the resolution is lost. And compressing doesn't help either. These studios are concerned about the final sound but are by no means purists. They still have to make the general public happy so you'll be hard pressed to find a studio that is audiophile correct to the last detail or even close to that when you really nit pick it.
I agree with that, Kacz! Pop music is about what will sound good in a convertible at 90 mph, and always will be. Whatever sounds best to those who primarily listen this way is what wins Grammys...
Ludwig chose Transparent because he was paid to endorse it. And being the wizard he is, Ludwig can polish a recording to sound the way he envisions or "hears" it to be when he undertakes the project. There is no magic in wire but there is magic in his mastering and mixing. He would turn out the same product using Rat Shack or Transparent, because he is talented and never loses focus on what he wants the final product to sound like. He just doesn't take the money and run. He is an artist in his own right and a perfectionist. The digital bits and bytes are transported down the wire, Transparent or Rat Shack, uncorrupted. It is what he does after the data is stored that is the pure mastery of his production. If you understand anything about algorithms and how digital data can be manipulated to do just about anything you want it to do (or how you want it to sound), you know this to be true.
I would think that if they where paying him that you would at least see him in a add. This was just an interview.Do you think he is also being paid by Eggleston Works? I just don't believe that this would be a very good way of promoting your product. Just allot of industry people watching you, not really to many audiophiles. When was the last time he was interwiewed by Stereophile? I can see him getting them free but I do not know about being on the payroll. But then again I do not own a studio.