Avantgarde Uno Loudspeakers: Comments?

Hi, Has anyone here tried the above speakers ? any comments someone can make? is it really that good compared to other ordinary box speakers? Thanks,
I see that once again, Cornfed has resorted to name calling. May Allah have mercy upon you, because we don't.
carl: you have nothing to add to this thread, so why don't you go back to bed and watch gladiator again. or maybe listen to your cd-r's of napster mp3's on your tinny little maggies.
carl: sorry i can't wait for what will undoubtedly be yet another clever reposte, but gotta leave for ces in the am. so, i'm signing off for a few days. yeah, i know, the show doesn't start 'til saturday. arriving early, tho, 'cuz bill gates want to do a meeting. again.
Now boys, play nice or the folks at AudiogoN will send you to your rooms! Actually, I got a good chuckle after a morning of work, so thanks a lot. Now that you've got my attention, I'll at least have to see if they have a web site to see what all the commotion is about.