Avantgarde Uno Loudspeakers: Comments?

Hi, Has anyone here tried the above speakers ? any comments someone can make? is it really that good compared to other ordinary box speakers? Thanks,
while i usually agree w/what cornfedboy has to say, in the case of the avantgardes' sound, i have to respectfully disagree w/him this time. i heard the earlier wersion of the duos, and if they were in my budget, they'd be prime contenders, even if i *do* think they're eyesores. *this* point, i *do* agree w/the iowa-lad... ;~)
Good point Sedond. Buying a new pair of speakers is definitely not in my budget at this time. Considering their dynamic range the Avantgardes would not be a good choice for an apartment dweller such as me. Hope to change this some day. Fifteen dollar an ounce silver will help a lot. Will also keep Cornfed's and Audiojerry's comment in mind if I get a chance to audition them.
7p62mm, i *am* considering gnu speeks - yust something a bit more reasonably-priced, if yust as ugly, in a different way! :>) check out the reviews on audioreview for the newform research r645's. i suspect these mite be giant-killers... i *hope* so, anyways! ;~)

regards, doug